Sunday, November 17, 2013

Your Mrs. Kentucky Plus America 2013: TONIYA COLES

I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Toniya Coles at the 2013 POSED fashion Awards. She and two other queens presented the award of Best plus size designer of the year. She does lots of charity work and does a lot with children. 

1. What is your current title?
My current title is Mrs Kentucky plus America and Miss plus America people’s choice  2013
2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
 I was so excited when I won I was so thankful to Jesus
3. What does being Mrs. Kentucky Plus America 2013 mean to you?
 My title means to me to promote my platform and to make more plus size woman aware of the plus size pageant
4. Do you have a platform or charity?
 Yes my platform is no child left hungry to increase the awareness of childhood hunger
5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
 I always wore a crown before the pageant because my father is the king of kings and I AM ROYALTY but adding a sash too it helped

6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
 To promote self esteem in plus size women, to let the world know that we are beautiful no matter what they say

7. Is you family/partner supportive through your journey?
8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude?
 Well me being a Minister I feel that should be left behind closed doors
9. What titles have you held?
 Miss Teen Michigan 1984
Mrs Kentucky Plus America 2013
Miss Plus America Peoples Choice 2013

10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so?
 Let's say it has been an interesting Ride
11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
 I have seen the show and I think the age should be 10 to be fair to the children
12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
 I don't agree on state hopping for the same pageant it should be one and done just like Miss America
13. What made you compete in your first pageant? 
 The Scholarship

14. How long have you been competing?
15. What was your first title?
 Miss Teen Michigan

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Your Sunshine State queen: Andresea Jackson

         This queen I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, but I reached out to her after the 2013 Miss Plus America nationals competition because I was impressed with her community service work. 

1. What is your current title?
 Ms. Florida Plus America 2013 & Overall High Points Winner 2013

2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
 It was a truly amazing feeling being that this was my second year doing the pageant and the year before that I had not even placed at the pageant. I felt as all my hard work that I had done and everything I had went through had finally paid off.

 3. What does being Ms. Florida Plus America 2013 mean to you?
 Each of these categories are just another chance for a plus size lady regardless of age and status  to have the opportunity to  be a part of something bigger than just themselves and also it allows the state  to see that beauty  is at  different ages and stages in a person’s life. However you miss one division that I think is so important and that is the teen division.  Being that so many teen struggle with obesity, low self-esteem and also need to understand the importance of loving yourself and giving back to your community this venue serves as a great outlet. 

4. Do you have a platform or charity?
 Yes I do, my platform is Strengthen Family Engagement and promoting Parent leaders in the community thru the Head Start program.

5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
As for my platiform it has allowed parents to be encouraged. and Also it has brought awareness to the Head Start program and it's need.

6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
You know what to be honest I got it! It was just a post in confidence that I could do it!

7. Is you family/partner supportive through your journey?
Yes my family has been very supportive through this journey.

8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude?  
It is very hard to sometime to define what one thinks is art.  However these are things that as a queen you just should not do, is it possible to pose in a swimsuit with class YES.  This is just my personal opinion that everything that one does should be done with class and dignity because you never want something to come back and haunt you later. 

9. What titles have you held?
In 2012 I was Ms. Temple Terrance Plus America and 2013 I was Ms. Tampa Plus America

10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so?
YES! Before I made a decision to compete from the pageant I  was at low spot in my life. My health was suffering and I was a very discouraged about many things in my life. My first year I competed I did not do my best, I did not give my all and my mindset was not clear( as my coach  Angel  Richards of Hot Coaching would say “ I  had a lot of Clutter in in my life and I needed to  make and decision to live clutter free )  SO through the pageant I was able to lose 80lbs for health reasons. I was able to unclutter a lot of things in my life and  become a better me! So I went through what I would say is Ultimate Transformation. 

11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
No I don’t watch much TV, but as for as children in pageants there is a line that should not be crossed.  I do not pass judgment on any one that allows there child to be in pageants because it is a lot of fun. I have a daughter who now after being with me on this journey at 4 years old is saying that she would like to do a pageant, however I don’t agree with parents taking the fun out of the experience nor having the kids look like grown women to win and adding extra pressure on their kids.

12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
WOW this is a great question; however I really don’t have a opinion on this.  I  think it  comes down to each pageant system as well as each lady making sure they are clear about why they are doing this ( meaning the pageant ) .

13. What made you compete in your first pageant?
It has always been a lifelong dream to compete in a pageant after being told as a teen that I was to large to  compete in the state pageant.

14. How long have you been competing?
 Only 2 years

15. What was your first title?
Ms. Temple Terrance Plus America 2013


Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Teen Queen: Janae' Littlejohn

      Watch out world Janae' is taking over the nation's capital. Although Miss Littlejohn isn't title anymore she is still a queen. At the tender age of about 16 she was competing for a national title all while in high school and dealing with the daily struggles of being a teen. Don't let the baby face fool you, this young lady is wise beyond her years and will give a lot of people a run for their money. Now in college, she is taking what she has learned from her mother, mentor and pageant family and is applying that to become a young woman and is still advocating for her platform. Janae' is such a fun, bubbly young lady and I am glad I got the pleasure of meeting her and going to nationals with her in 2011.

1. What is your current title?
My current title is College Student. I'm no longer competing in pageantry and am not a reigning queen.

2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
So amazing, blessed, joyful, like hard work paid off, like I was stepping into my destiny.

3. What does being former Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador 2011 mean to you?
Being the former Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador 2011 (First African-American) feels honestly like a dream come true. I never thought that being crowned that amazing honor and title would happen to me. It is hard to explain what it means; it meant everything.

4. Do you have a platform or charity?
My platform was, and still is even after the pageant, "Promoting Positive Self-Esteem Within Teenage Girls" and Re-Defining SWAG as positive Self-Worth-Attitude-Goals.

5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
Being a reigning and even former national queen has given me such a bigger audience to tell my story and promote my cause. People won't always listen to Janae', but the nation listened to Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador.

6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
I honestly didn't know what to expect by participating and competing in pageantry. Even more than that, I didn't know what people would think of me after competing and ,thankfully, winning. I think everyone in some way or another has their own perception and opinion about pageantry and pageant queens. Like a lot of others, I expected the side eyes from competitors, stepping on my dress on "accident" or just the cattiness that comes with, or that I expected to come with not only Miss Plus America, but pageantry in general. But, the amazing thing about MPA is the sisterhood and networks that I gained in competing. Being able to call one of my pageant sisters on the phone, hanging out with national queens when I'm traveling, linking up with other business connections and opportunities outside of the pageant is really what made this experience one of the best. And even though I didn't hope for it, I gained it.

7. Is you family/partner supportive through your journey?
My mother, Pamela Palmer, was definitely supportive. Even though, in the beginning, I feel she was a little against me participating in pageantry, she still let me do me. By that I mean, she allowed me to reach for a dream and because of her support, I am where I am. Whether that's driving over 10 hours to get to the pageant, spending her last to buy my pageant dress or just telling me to keep pushing on. Her support definitely had a big impact on my success and I'm thankful for it.

8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude?
I think that's a personal decision. I mean really, what's wrong with clothes? I'm a national advocate for self-esteem and self-respect so just because of what I believe, I wouldn't feel comfortable. I'm a firm believer that a woman's value is more than her body, I think it's about what you bring to the table as a woman and what your mind has to offer. Beauty is way more than skin and outside appearance so I question if the nude or semi-nude shots are a statement that people who believe the same I do, deem appropriate.

9. What titles have you held?
I've only competed in one pageant. Of course that was the lovely Miss Plus America in 2011. My title was Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador and I was the first African-American to hold that title.

10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so? Competing has definitely improved me as a person. I've had a real chance to polish and experience advocacy on a personal level. Being involved in the pageant and being able to spread my platform was a test. Along the way, I found some things out about myself, I was able to help others and I think this was one of the major steps I took towards womanhood and becoming my own person.

11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
I personally don't watch them. To be honest, I think they give pageantry a bad name. They are over-dramatic and full of little girls running around in makeup and I refuse to participate and condone either one and I don't think it's appropriate for it to even be a show. Little girls, especially toddlers, should be playing with Barbies not trying to be Barbies.

12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
I think if you want it, go get it. My mentor had an experience like that and because of her competing or "running at large" through a different state that didn't have a state pageant, she went on to nationals and was a national queen in 2010. I think it depends on the person. I don't know if I would be the one to do it. But, you never know.

13. What made you compete in your first pageant?
I saw the 2010 Miss Plus America, E Renee Brandon, at the Ohio State Fair in Columbus and the rest is history. Honestly. Well, I saw her crown first, then I saw her. I literally walked up to her, asked how I could get involved, went home, got registered and was Miss Franklin County Ohio Teen Ambassador 2011 that night.

14. How long have you been competing?
I have only competed in Miss Plus America so a total of 2 months time between my state and national pageant in 2011.

15. What was your first title?
My first and only title was Miss Plus America Teen Ambassador 2011.

16. How was it competing in pageants while in school?
Competing while in high school, a junior at that, was honestly a little bit of a challenge. Not just because of the pageant, but because of everything else that I was involved in. Before the pageant, during and after I was involved in numerous things. During my junior year alone, I was President of my student body, dramatically involved in my school's National Honors Society, President of Upward Bound at Ohio Wesleyan University, taking AP and Honors classes and not to mention I was upholding two jobs. Needless to say, there were sleepless nights, stressful times and moments where it almost was too much. But, I pulled through and just because of who I am, I gave it everything that I had. With me giving everything then, there was so much more opportunity that I was able to take advantage of after my reign and still now. It was a lot as a junior, but I made it work and because of my dedication I was pretty much forced to build better time management skills, learn when to say no and all in all grow not only as a student, pageant queen or employee but as a person.

17. Do you still compete in pageants?
I'm currently not considering competing any time soon. I'm tackling a new obstacle and experience called college. There have been countless people that have tried to push me in going back to compete for Miss Plus America Elite, but I have yet to publicly or even privately announced any future plans for competing again.

18. Now that you're in college how as being a title holder helped you?

It has helped me so much. I'm a Freshman now at American University in DC on a full ride scholarship and in my acceptance letter was an applause from the University for being crowned the first African-American MPATA. Being a former pageant queen spoke volumes to the admission committee and has opened up doors for me in DC. Being that I'm only at the beginning of my college career, it's hard to say what other ways being a former pageant queen will benefit my education and my university. But, only time and God will tell, I'm just enjoying the ride.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A wordly Queen: Ocipare Mckinley

What can I say about Queen Ocipare? She is a humanitarian, mother, activist, entrepreneur and my mentor. She helped me with all of the craziness and drams during my journey in the pageant world. Ocipare aka Key to us is the true definition of a queen. She has held many titles and has been competing in pageantry for over a decade. Her platform is more than just an activity, she lives it and breathes it. I watch her with her daughter who is autistic and she is amazing with her patience with her. She recently started a dress boutique called PARE boutique and she has sponsored many different pageant systems with beautiful gowns. She is my mentor/pageant mom and she has such a kind warm heart. Check out her interview and get a closer look into Queen Ocipare's life.

1. What is your current title?

The current titles I represent are Ms. Ubuntu Ambassador 2013 and Mrs. USA United Nation International 2014 which I plan to compete October 2014 at the Grand Palladium Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

2. What is your best memory of being crowned?

I would say my best crowning memory is when I won U.S. United Queen of Queens 2011.  As a full-figured mature woman, it was an honor but it was shocking and incredible... it was such a surreal moment for me when I won 1st place over 37 beautiful, intelligent and most very physically fit women from across the U.S.  What a great feeling and fantastic moment which for me has been absolutely unforgettable!!

3. What does being Mrs. USA mean to you?

It means I am a married woman who is committed to my husband and our covenant… I am not alone!!  With the help of my husband and family I am able to represent them with pride in any endeavor we agree upon and we do everything together from the celebrations to the sacrifices… it is a family affair therefore it gives me strength and power internally to go out and spread my wings.

4. Do you have a platform or charity?

My platform is "Autism Speaks - Awareness, Education and ACTION!" which is my passion and love since the autism diagnosis of my daughter at age 3.

5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?

Every crown has a potential to open doors if you are willing to do the work to make your title memorable.  Each step that I took as a national titleholder has solidified my commitment to my platform in helping individuals and families who have been affected by autism.  I feel people looked at me as an authority on the subject not only because I am an Autism Mom, but because of the crown and title.

6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?

The two things I hope to gain by my participation in pageantry is continued momentum towards my platform with Autism Speaks as well as making myself a better human being.  My main focus is to educate the public about autism… 1 in 88 children in the next 20 years will be adults in America… do we have a clear plan now of inclusion with our special individuals.  But more importantly, the journey and process of the preparation is what I enjoy most because you learn to accentuate your strengths and diligently work on your weaknesses therefore making a well-rounded and grounded human being!

7. Is your husband and family supportive through your journey?

Without a doubt!!  My biggest fan, admirer and cheerleader is my husband.  We plan everything together for me to participate including what pageants I plan to join.  Because I am married, this is a joint effort that requires joint representation... when I step out, I represent The McKinley Family and I have the full support of my husband and my children.

8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude or semi-nude?

I do not feel they need to be titleholders... they should be models.  As a model you have the flexibility of what you choose to do or represent.  Your image is based on your work, work ethic and how committed you are to your career.  As a titleholder, you are held to a different standard under contract by the contest won.  The majority of pageants do not allow partial and full nudity in any form and that is the rules.  They are not there to be broken or challenged... they are there to be followed to continue the legacy of the competition.

9. What titles have you held?

U.S. United Queen of Queens ~ Titleholder (2011)

Elegant Elite Ms. Ohio U.S. United ~ Titleholder (2011)

Ms. Ohio Plus America ~ Titleholder (2010)

Ms. Franklin County Ohio Plus America ~ Titleholder (2010)

Mrs. Columbus International ~ Titleholder (2007 & 2008)

Ms. Ohio American Elegance ~ Titleholder (2007)

Ms. Columbus State Community College - Homecoming Queen (2005)

Ms. Black Sophisticate Connecticut ~ Titleholder (1998)

Ms. Aruba Petite International ~ Titleholder (1996)

Ms. Capital Community-Technical College ~ Titleholder (1995)


10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? As a woman? Mother? How so?

Pageantry has helped me grow as a person.  But it is not necessarily the pageant that helps you to grow... the growth is within the preparation.  If you are a person who enjoys self-assessing and making yourself better through practice… pageantry is for you!!

11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?

I do not watch Toddlers and Tiaras because I do not believe in glam pageants for children.  I also feel that if my daughter does not ask to be part of the pageant… I would never force her to take part. 

12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?

I feel that is unethical only if it breaks the rules of the pageant.  If the pageant allows it, I am not against it.  The only thing I would say I am against is unethical behavior in pageantry but that is not something that happens at every pageant, but there is always 1 or 2 bad apples in the bunch… just ignore them and move on. 

13. What made you compete in your first pageant?

I have an old childhood friend, Wanda Gonzalez-Martinez, who introduced me to pageantry.  She was Miss Connecticut USA 1993.  After helping her in her preparations, I thought to myself, “this is something I would like to try” and when I did… I never turned back!!!

14. How long have you been competing?

I have been competing since I was 18 years old.

15. What was your first title?

I competed 27 times before my first title which was Ms. Capital Community Technical College 1995.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Buckeye Beauty Queen: Angela Rivers

When I first met Queen Angie we immediately clicked. I met her during our journey towards becoming state queens for the Miss Plus America 2011 pageant.  She is down to earth, funny and she keeps it real. We had tons of fun before, during and after competition, state and nationals. We still keep in contact and I have designed a few pieces for her to compete in. I am glad to call queen Angie my friend and sister.

1. What is your current title?
Ms. American Beauties Plus, 2013
2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
 It was amazing! I was so nervous! Our category only had 4 women in it and one of the ladies won an Elite Title. So when they called me as 1 of the last 2, I held my other sisters hand then they called her. I had tears of joy and was just utterly amazed at how God favored me!

3. What does being Ms. American Beauties Plus 2013 mean to you?
 It’s giving me an opportunity to inspire, enlighten, encourage all women, of all sizes and races that you can do and achieve anything through Christ that strengthens you!
4. Do you have a platform or charity?
 Yes my platform/charity is the ministry of “Having the Courage to Change”. It is a structured living environment for women that are in addiction and recovery. It use Biblical principles to help women maintain a sober way of living. It helps women with all various types of addiction. Drugs, alcohol, theft, etc..
5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
It has helped boost the self esteem of the ladies there, more donations for the women have came through for them, more people are learning more about the program and are interested in living a sober lifestyle.
6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
 I love getting the word out about my platform/charity and learning about others. I love all the wonderful new “sisters” I have met and the friendships I have encountered. I have some amazing friends in the pageant world.
7. Is your family/partner supportive through your journey? Yes my little sister and my fiancée traveled with me this time. My sister is my hairstylist so she made sure every outfit I had and my hair style was perfect. My co-workers and friends are very supportive and so is my family. I love being recognized when I’m out and people stopping and asking me for my autograph. At the pageant when I won, my fiancée yelled out “that’s my Queen!” when I was being crowned.. everybody was like awww!
8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude? To each, their own. You can pose in a classy way and it could be for a special cause, like breast cancer or love your body campaign. Now me, that’s not for me! I couldn’t see myself doing it. We all wear lingerie and under wear. I don’t see anything wrong with modeling those things.
9. What titles have you held?
Ms. Cincinnati, Ohio Plus America, 2010 and 2011, Ms. Ohio Plus America 2011, U.S. United, Elegant Elite Ohio, 2012 and Ms. Ohio American Beauties Plus, 2013.
10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so?
 I think it has helped me by boosting up my confidence. I’m a little more confident in the things I wear and how I present myself. I am an example to my daughter and I encourage her in her modeling career.
11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
 Yes I do. I think its an amazing outlet for children but when their parents go to the extreme, I think it’s a bit much.
12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
 If that’s what you feel you need to do to get the crown, then that’s you but honey after the second time, I think it’s a wrap! Try another pageant system or maybe pageants aren’t for you!
13. What made you compete in your first pageant?
 I was goggling to see if there was any such thing as a Plus size pageant and then it came up! So I asked my best friend Darlene if she thinks I should do it and she told me yes so I entered. That was 4yrs ago. I have met some awesome people and experience great things. Glad I did it,
14. How long have you been competing?
 For 4 years now.
15. What was your first title?
 Ms. Cincinnati OH Plus America, 2010





Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Another Texas Beauty: Bre Dillard-Ezema

This weeks beautiful queen also hails from the state of Texas. I met her at nationals in Dallas in 2011, She was Mrs Texas Plus America 2011, we were all competing for the title of Miss plus America Elite. She's a sweet, fun person and I'm glad to share this interview with her.

 . What is your current title?
My current title is Ms. Texas Woman American Elegance 2013
2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
There wasn’t a state pageant in Texas for this system at the time I entered so I actually received my crown and sash in the mail however the excitement was still there! I took pictures and sent them to my family, friends and my pageant coach. Whenever I touch a new crown I feel not only excited but renewed and optimistic because to me it represents the beginning of a new journey!  Next year however there will be a state pageant and I will get the pleasure of crowning another beautiful queen. I have experienced that moment before of crowning someone and I prefer that anyway better to give than to receive right!

3. What does being Ms. Texas Woman American Elegance 2013 mean to you?
I am so happy to be a part of such an amazing system that has been around for 15 years. Our pink and purple gemstones represent our commitment to bringing awareness to Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence. My title is a way for me to not only bring awareness to these two important issues but also a way to bring much needed attention to body image issues our young ladies experience.  Our system has a division for all ladies no matter the size, age, or marital status.

 .  Do you have a platform or charity?
My platform is stopping the cycle of domestic violence: preventing victims from creating victims. I am a child of an abusive relationship and I feel that the children of these relationships are often left with issues that can affect the rest of their lives.  They are also left to feel blame or that their destiny is written and they are setup to fail in life. I want to empower them to know they are not their parents and your beginning in no way predetermines your future.  I work with three charities to encompass what I consider a plan to combat domestic violence which is prevention/education, support and of course awareness. The three that I support and work with are the National Domestic Violence Hotline where I volunteer on the hotline taking calls from survivors, victims, abusers and concerned family and friends. I also volunteer with Hope Alliance as a Sexual Assault Advocate. I serve as the voice of the victim at the hospital during the SANE exam. And last but definitely not least I volunteer with a wonderful organization called GENAustin. They provide workshops and events to help empower young ladies topics include healthy relationships, bullying and body image.
 . How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
The job of a title holder is to be a spokesperson for not only your system but your community and your platform/charity as well and I take that job very seriously. Most recently I lead an effort with my Texas Plus America Pageant sisters to raise funds to provide 10 scholarships for girls to attend GENAustin’s annual We Are Girls Day conference in November.  We also partnered with Soma Intimates to collect over 100 bras for domestic violence victims in shelters this past Valentine’s Day. The work I do that is most important is by being the change we want to see. Because of my pageantry I am able to talk to all kinds of people and I am often told that I have changed their views on not only domestic violence, the plus size community, as well as pageantry in general. This is probably of greater value to the organizations I work with.
6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
My involvement with pageantry is more about a way for me to give back. I truly do want to save the world! I have a theory that if every person gave back to their community and made it their mission to make a difference the world would be saved by now! Pageantry however does offer me access and opportunity to experience things that I definitely wouldn’t have been able to experience without it. I have had the pleasure of being tweeted about by Wendy Williams, rode in the 2nd largest Martin Luther King Day parade in the country and the list goes on and one all of which were because of pageants.
7.Is your family/partner supportive through your journey?
I am amazingly blessed to have “Team Ezema”. My team is comprised of my wonderful husband, my mommy, pageant sister Brianna Williams, my pageant coach Nanette Watts, my Dell coworkers, family and friends. My husband owns a small business called BTW Medical Transportation and it is my largest financial sponsor. He is a true pageant husband he knows all about Swarovski crystals, MAC makeup and he even knows how to help put on a Body Magic! The most important way he shows his support is by never complaining about my busy volunteer schedule. My mommy is super proud and always offers her emotional support as well. My coworkers often have to cover my accounts while I am out on vacation competing and not only do they not complain but also offer donations and words of support. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of people in my life.
8.How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude?
Well my experience in pageantry has always been with systems that consider nude pictures to be unbecoming of a queen and were against the rules of participation. We do want to be inspirations to young girls and nudity would I think undermine that.  Our girls see enough messages that say in order to be beautiful you should wear less clothing I want to paint a different picture for them. As far as semi-nude that would depend on the content of the pictures and the particular pageant system because if the system has a swimsuit division that photo wouldn’t be considered semi-nude.
9. What titles have you held?
I have had the pleasure of being crowned: Miss Capital of Texas Plus America 2010, Mrs. Capital of Texas Plus America 2011, Mrs. Texas Plus America 2011
10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so?
Wow pageants changed my entire life seriously! When I tell people my story they usually ask where to sign up to compete!  Since becoming involved in pageantry I have returned to school, received two job promotions, lost over 100 lbs., and most importantly I got married! I would have never met my husband if it wasn’t for pageants. My pageant sisters are like family and one of them introduced me to my husband and we were married later that year. The amazing women that I have met while participating in pageants offer a support system and empower me to do more and inspire me to not allow anything to keep me from accomplishing my goals. I always say I feel like a superhero when I am around pageant queens. Positive energy is definitely contagious. One of my most recent accomplishments of completing three 5ks runs would have seemed like an unobtainable goal but after competing in pageants I truly feel like I can do anything! Everything is possible when you pray, work hard and don’t give in to obstacles, statistics, and self -doubt.
11.Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
Yes, I have seen the show although I am not a regular viewer and I feel that it is a reality television show so the families that are chosen to spotlight are the ones that can keep the American TV viewers attention. These days that seems to be the more drama the better and unfortunately people think that all pageants are like the ones seen on the show and that just isn’t true. My experiences with children in pageants have been only scholarship pageants or non-glitz so very different than what is shown on Toddlers and Tiaras. I actually think pageantry is something that parents aren’t aware of as a way to help pay for their children’s education. I am totally supportive of scholarship pageants so much so one of pageant sisters Brianna Williams and I are looking forward to one day having an organization that has a “Pageantry for All” division which would sponsor inner city girls to compete.
12.How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
To be honest this is the first time I have heard this term however if you are competing in a self- funding pageant system they allow at large delegates because they don’t have paid directors in every state so what that means is there may be great interest in one geographical area and none in other areas. In my experience however these systems require that you either live, work, own property, or attend school in that state you represent and I think this gives ladies another chance to compete. I find it encouraging that these ladies don’t give up they try again and I know national title holders that did just that. They didn’t give up when they didn’t win the title for the state they currently reside in.
13. What made you compete in your first pageant?
I was new to the state of Texas and I was looking to meet ladies like myself. My nephew’s teacher and principal at that time where both queens and he came home one day and told me “Aunt Bre Miss Ratliff said she is a pageant queen and she is plus size like you! You should give it a shot!”  He wouldn’t let it go so eventually I had the pleasure of meeting both Sabrina Mathis and Rachel Ratcliff and they both spoke so highly of the experience including providing a platform to bring attention to domestic violence and promised a sisterhood for life and they were absolutely correct I have made lifelong friendships.
14.How long have you been competing?
I started in 2010 in the Texas Plus America Pageant system a pageant presented by Pageants Unlimited Plus under the direction of Nanette Watts.

15. What was your first title?
My first title was Miss Capital of Texas Plus America 2010.