Sunday, June 29, 2014

When I first met Mrs Sharon Smart Founder/Nat. Exec. Dir. I was competing in the Miss Ohio Plus American Pageant. She was my mentor and my sponsor. She told me it was ok to be myself and to give my all during competition. Judges want to see the real you and see who you are as a person. They will be holding their national pageant in July in Tennessee. Be sure to get your ticket and support. 

  1. What is the name of your organization? Simply Smart & Sassy

  2.  Your pageant system? Royal Image USA
  3. What sparked your interest in pageants? Wow....I realized what a positive impact pageants can have on an individual. The opportunites for acheivement are simply limitless.

  4. What made you start your pageant? I was encouraged by some very special individuals to start my own pageant system, since I had impacted their lives in such a positive way. Now I am free to let God use me in a ways that I never imagined, without someone or something holding me back. I love the idea of being a part of a positive experience in someone's life. I don't care who you are, you deserve to feel like royalty.

  5. When did you start your pageant? I started organizing Royal Image USA Pageant system in 2013. We are having our debut pageant July of this year.

  6. What does your pageant promote?
    Positive self esteem, commitment to excellence & self love (loving the body God has blessed you with).
 7. What sets your pageant apart from other pageants out there? Royal Image USA Pageant system believes that in order to be the very best you can be, you must first have the courage to embrace the true you.  Our lives are not much different than that of a caterpillar.  The caterpillar transforms into a beautiful rare butterfly.  Just like the caterpillar we have to prepare ourselves for our own transformation.  The caterpillar prepares a cocoon in order to continue its metamorphosis.  We must prepare ourselves to be molded in order to continue our journey through life. The key is to realize that like the caterpillar, we too must go through our own unique transformation to emerge as rare beautiful butterflies~~ 

8. What do you hope to gain from this pageant? I simply want to be to be a part of making a positive difference in others lives.
 9. Being a director, have you ever competed in pageants? No, I have had the honor of being a judge for many pageant systems. I have experience in being a pageant coach, pagant director, life skills mentor & image consulatant to many.
10. How/where can people register to compete?
11.What type of delegates are you looking for to represent your pageant? Those who are ready to soar like the rare beautiul butterflies they are.
12. What is your pageant’s motto? “Royally Enhancing Your Inner Beauty, By Enriching Self Esteem, While Having The Courage To Embrace The True You"