Monday, January 13, 2014

The Georgia Peach queen: Ms. Georgia Plus America 2013

I came across this beautiful queen's page on facebook from someone else's page and I was amazed by her charity work. I started following her work and then contacted her to interview her. Check out this week's southern belle. 

1.What is your current title?  Ms. Georgia Plus America 2013

2. How did you feel when you were crowned?  I was overwhelmed with joy because I never thought I could be a beauty pageant winner at my full figured size. I’ve always had issues surrounding my weight and struggled to maintain what society told me was a normal size. My desperation to fit into society’s standards led me down a path of unhealthy practices that included both starvation and bulimia.
3. What does being miss, ms, mrs (fill in title) mean to you?  Being Ms. Georgia Plus America is an honor to me because it has provided me with the opportunity to be an advocate for not only the plus woman, but for all woman and young girls to remind them that there are no limits on beauty!

4. Do you have a platform or charity? My platform is Building Self-Esteem and Promoting a Healthy Body Image in Young Girls. I am partnered with the George Washington Carver Boys and Girls Club in Atlanta where I developed and manage a program called “Real Talk” aimed at showing girls how to build confidence.

5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?  I have always considered myself to be a mentor and a role model.  My title allows me to touch the lives of even more young people through my platform. 
6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants? I initially entered pageants to build my confidence and improve in public speaking and I hope to continue to make improvements in these areas.

7. Is you family/partner supportive through your journey? Yes, they are my personal cheerleaders.

8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude? It’s not something that I would consider doing but I would never impose on someone else’s right to make such a choice for themselves. 

9. What titles have you held? Ms. Kansas City 1997, Ms. Georgia Plus America 2013

10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so? I am able to witness first hand just how strong I am. I never thought I would be able to stand before a large crowd of people, most of them strangers, and voice my thoughts and share my convictions!

11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants? I have watched the show and I only have issue with children’s pageantry when it is unhealthy and upsetting to the child.

12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?  Pageant hopping to me sounds much like crown chasing and I think this displays a lack of integrity and true purpose. I’ve always believed that a title should be an extension of the woman and a reflection of the great things she is doing in the community and the world around her.

13. What made you compete in your first pageant?  I was somewhat shy growing up and I decided that pageantry would be a great way to begin building my confidence.
14. How long have you been competing?  I entered my first pageant when I was 15 years old and have competed off and on since that time.

15. What was your first title? My first title was Ms. Kansas City for a small pageant system called Premier Productions. I had a great time and knew at that moment that pageantry would be a major part of my life.