Thursday, September 26, 2013

Your Sunshine State queen: Andresea Jackson

         This queen I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, but I reached out to her after the 2013 Miss Plus America nationals competition because I was impressed with her community service work. 

1. What is your current title?
 Ms. Florida Plus America 2013 & Overall High Points Winner 2013

2. How did you feel when you were crowned?
 It was a truly amazing feeling being that this was my second year doing the pageant and the year before that I had not even placed at the pageant. I felt as all my hard work that I had done and everything I had went through had finally paid off.

 3. What does being Ms. Florida Plus America 2013 mean to you?
 Each of these categories are just another chance for a plus size lady regardless of age and status  to have the opportunity to  be a part of something bigger than just themselves and also it allows the state  to see that beauty  is at  different ages and stages in a person’s life. However you miss one division that I think is so important and that is the teen division.  Being that so many teen struggle with obesity, low self-esteem and also need to understand the importance of loving yourself and giving back to your community this venue serves as a great outlet. 

4. Do you have a platform or charity?
 Yes I do, my platform is Strengthen Family Engagement and promoting Parent leaders in the community thru the Head Start program.

5. How has being a title holder helped your charity/platform?
As for my platiform it has allowed parents to be encouraged. and Also it has brought awareness to the Head Start program and it's need.

6. What do you hope to gain by your participation in pageants?
You know what to be honest I got it! It was just a post in confidence that I could do it!

7. Is you family/partner supportive through your journey?
Yes my family has been very supportive through this journey.

8. How do you feel about title holders who pose nude, semi-nude?  
It is very hard to sometime to define what one thinks is art.  However these are things that as a queen you just should not do, is it possible to pose in a swimsuit with class YES.  This is just my personal opinion that everything that one does should be done with class and dignity because you never want something to come back and haunt you later. 

9. What titles have you held?
In 2012 I was Ms. Temple Terrance Plus America and 2013 I was Ms. Tampa Plus America

10. Has competing in pageants helped you grow as a person? as a woman? mother? how so?
YES! Before I made a decision to compete from the pageant I  was at low spot in my life. My health was suffering and I was a very discouraged about many things in my life. My first year I competed I did not do my best, I did not give my all and my mindset was not clear( as my coach  Angel  Richards of Hot Coaching would say “ I  had a lot of Clutter in in my life and I needed to  make and decision to live clutter free )  SO through the pageant I was able to lose 80lbs for health reasons. I was able to unclutter a lot of things in my life and  become a better me! So I went through what I would say is Ultimate Transformation. 

11. Do you watch "Toddlers and Tiaras"? How do you feel about children in pageants?
No I don’t watch much TV, but as for as children in pageants there is a line that should not be crossed.  I do not pass judgment on any one that allows there child to be in pageants because it is a lot of fun. I have a daughter who now after being with me on this journey at 4 years old is saying that she would like to do a pageant, however I don’t agree with parents taking the fun out of the experience nor having the kids look like grown women to win and adding extra pressure on their kids.

12. How do you feel about "pageant hopping", going from state to state within the same pageant system to compete?
WOW this is a great question; however I really don’t have a opinion on this.  I  think it  comes down to each pageant system as well as each lady making sure they are clear about why they are doing this ( meaning the pageant ) .

13. What made you compete in your first pageant?
It has always been a lifelong dream to compete in a pageant after being told as a teen that I was to large to  compete in the state pageant.

14. How long have you been competing?
 Only 2 years

15. What was your first title?
Ms. Temple Terrance Plus America 2013